Wonder Woman Has a Dick
“She must never know the truth about who she is, or how she came to be.” -Robin Wright speaking the words of General Antiope as pre-written by Zack Snyder, Allan Heinberg, and Jason Fuchs with help from Geoff Johns and Patty Jenkins.
I’m sorry. Let me start by apologizing. I illegally watched Wonder Woman yesterday. I got it online. I have no excuse. I wouldn’t pay to see it when they were hocking it at the theater. If anyone at Warner Bros wants the admission money I cheated them out of returned, please let me know personally asap so I can promptly lobby management for a refund. This is not a movie review. I just don’t financially support modern day hollow hollywood representations of reality. Not that Wonder Woman is reality. Hollywood has thoroughly perverted the invention of moving film from showing actual pictures of reality itself to creating bent filmed representations of a reality they want us to see. Hollywood influencing the mind started with the filming of a staged recreation of a well known and very real train robbery. The Great Train Robbery released in 1903 gave people the incredibly popular newspaper story FILMED!!! “We got it on film people. Step right up! We got it on film!!!” Hollywood is still releasing their filmed version of reality based on camera tricks used in that initial filmed lie, The Great Train Robbery. They weren’t coy about the title of the film. They wanted people to believe what they were seeing was real. There were NO CREDITS at the end. It’s not that the film makers were not proud of the illusion they had created, it’s not that they didn’t WANT credit for the lie, it’s just nobody had ever taken credit for being such a lying pos before.
I heard about Hollywood making Wonder Woman. I live in LA. I heard all the girls were getting wet over this chick Gal Gadot. I don’t blame them. She is a great human specimen. Great breeding stock. You can see it. She is healthy. The exact kind of visual specimen Hollywood has been using for over 100 years now to get us to accept their lies. The original people in Hollywood that captured light onto moving film became known as Filmmakers. Filmmakers capitalized on light. We love looking at light. We love seeing each other with it. When radiating particles hit our skin projecting our image to the eyes of others, we understand deeply never spoken words conveying past links unbroken through millions of years of genetics. Light can tell us many things in a second or less. One thing light does not do to us is lie. Light stays true to the vision it creates. We see it right here in front of us. Filmmakers, now mostly gathered in Hollywood California because of it’s superb natural lighting, exploited the light we love by filming it bouncing off a Canadian theater actress named Mary Pickford. She lied about her name of course. Her name is Gladys Smith. Gladys now Mary's light captured on film becomes “America’s Sweetheart”. She was of course born in Canada. So you got these white guys in a legally formed American money making light capturing operation based in Hollywood California using a woman from Canada with a fake name pretending to be someone who never existed doing things that never happened. That is how Hollywood originally used film to hijack light. Today, over a hundred years later Hollywood is still hijacking light. In 2016 Hollywood hijacked Wonder Woman.
“In 1914, Pickford’s Tess of the Storm Country, the story of a fiery young woman fighting for the underclass, caused a sensation. The extraordinary reaction made Pickford an international star and created fan worship that had never before been witnessed.” Christel Schmidt
I heard Ms. Gadot, I’m sorry, Mrs. Gadot-Varsano was from Israel. She served there in the Army for a couple years, won the Miss Israel beauty contest, made a couple mil off her looks modeling internationally, a real solid choice for a strong successful woman. She is also a great person to film. She looks good. That is the biggest key factor in visuals on film. Things have to look good. The victims have to want to see the lie. Up until The Great Train Robbery people got really dressed up in something other than their everyday clothes to get their picture taken. They also struck specific poses for the photograph in the studio, but people did not use light to lie. Pre Hollywood, a picture, a photograph was prized, loved, kept, framed. It was precious. It could be the only single thing you had to hold of a war bound loved one for years. If they died in war it could be all you had to hold of them forever. Gal Gadot has a black and white photo of a war scene with her in it. She cherishes her picture in the movie. The picture arrives in an armed car in a locked briefcase, a very valuable possession. Before Hollywood all that existed were images of actual reality, something you loved, someone you loved. Pictures of Moms, Dads, Aunts, distant relatives, are still today singularly prized possessions with no monetary value. That is why it’s so disingenuous for Warner Bros to use film itself to film a scene of Mrs. Gadot-Versano in wardrobe not her own, sitting in her office she doesn’t have, looking at a fake picture of herself with people she doesn’t even know while appearing to be emotionally moved by the whole scene. It’s like a guy abusing orphans in a shelter he formed to save abused orphans. Twisted stuff man.
The first photographs of the light surrounding us were produced on silver plates. Hot sterling silver poured onto a small square plate of copper, cooled coated with vicious chemicals, then exposed to light. When that combo was fumed with mercury, the chemicals on the plate created a picture, a Daguerreotype. The process was so valued, so revolutionary, so important, that the patent was declared open by the inventor Louis Daguerre, meaning ANYONE could use his process to create images. Louis Daguerre, the inventor, would not keep his patented process for himself alone to profit from. He, along with the French Gov’t wanted the whole world to have access to recorded light images to expand our vision, our viewpoint, our minds. George Eastman an American business man had an entirely different viewpoint in 1885 when he bought the patent for “roll film”. That shit was his. “Roll film” would become the basis for the frame by frame celluloid pictures that when shown in sequence created the motion in the moving picture. It would make sense that the guy who sold us the modern day motion picture film would start off by lifting another man’s invention to do it. The very creation itself, the motion picture that Hollywood has used to lie with for a 100 years now, wasn’t even actually invented by the guy who invented it.
Mrs. Gadot-Versano, her married name, changed from Gal Gadot was changed again to Wonder Woman for the film I just watched online. When I was a little kid Wonder Woman was Lynda Carter. My dad used to say “You know why they call her Wonder Woman Art? Because it is a wonder they could fit all that woman into that tiny little suit.” He was right. Her suit was tight af. It showed off her womanly hips. Her womb, ovaries prominently featured in a tight blue satin fabric with stars bringing attention to the area with nice gold trim. Not Gal’s. The film makers shrouded her most womanly of woman parts in a bizarre roman type paneled skirt with a dick on the front. The design of the newest Wonder Woman costume was not done for this movie. The costume was carefully designed in 2016 for the movie Batman v Superman. Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, these are hand drawn animated characters created for comic books I used to read when I was a kid. Fantasy land. Never Existed Ville. Teenage wet dream type shit. Wonder Woman was born from red blooded pure hetero male sexual fantasies, so I was trying to figure out why the filmmakers gave Wonder Woman a penis.
When was the last time light showed you a tree in the road directly in front of you where you went “nah, that ain’t real. I will just keep driving into this fallen tree despite light showing me the fallen tree right here in front of my car.” Light does not lie to you. When the light shows you your father in front of you, you can hug him. When light shows you your mother’s breast you can feed. When light shows you your kid you know they are safe. When Hollywood shows you light, you know it’s a lie. Light cannot lie. It never has. Hollywood uses a Movie Projector in a dark room to project their pre-recorded light onto a silver screen. That light hits your physical receptors, created for interpreting light eons before the idea of filming light could ever have even been conceived. Light projected into your mind in a movie theater bypasses any sense of human logic because Hollywood forces the light to do it. Light will not lie to you. It never has. Early Hollywood films of light were totally silent. The sound you hear with the moving light in the theater is a whole different recording dubbed later onto the light pictures. The Great Train Robbery film was silent, which may have helped people think it was real, but as soon as Hollywood could figure out how to attach sonic lies to their films the “talkie” was born. The “talking picture” with a “soundtrack” became the ultimate light weapon to penetrate and influence the human mind. MOVing picture + talkIE = MOVIE. Next we see color, then complex special effects, now CGI. The amazing part about CGI is it never actually uses any light to produce movie light, or “movie magic.” CGI never sees the light it records. The computer sees ones and zeros as positions in space then presents them on a 2-D screen as a 2-D projected light image that your mind then translates to a three dimensional real time light object for you to absorb mentally. These days Hollywood has become so advanced that they can just program the light they want you to believe directly into your mind without ever having to actually record any physical light. Hollywood has gotten so good at lying with light, that they don’t even need George Eastman’s Kodak film to do it. Hollywood Directors like Zachary Snyder use a great little combo of computer generated light and natural light digitally recorded into a computer to generate most of their filmed lies these days. The dick on Wonder Woman though, that is completely 100% real.
The dick was built into Wonder Woman through her costume. The opposite is true for M to F transexuals. They already have a dick built on because they are born men. With all the cultural appropriation going on in the film, it should not surprise me that the film makers would appropriate Trans people too. They have a guy with a fez trying to be middle eastern. A white boy who talks funny trying to act crazy. They have a white christian good looking masculine All American male going to war. And of course they have Wonder Woman acting like a man the whole time. There were a few times I got a glance of her as a female tho, like when she asked Chris Pine how big his cock was when he sexually assaulted her in that cave by pulling the old “I forgot my towel” trick on her, walking around cock out, naked as the day his mom bore him. Oh, she was also female the time she swooned when the strong white male Chris “is he gay?” Pine forcefully pulled her close making her dance with him. She started looking flustered, flush, stating shakily, “you are very close.” He of course made some lame male testosterone sex driven excuse strongly forcing himself on her further pulling her closer, while she, acting very feminine went with it. I think the biggest most important time she came out as female was when she had just killed “Aries, the god of war” on a roof. However, despite killing the guy she thought would stop all wars, she continues to hear war all around her. She starts crying frantically wondering, “Why is this war still going on? Why doesn’t the whole war just stop!!!” while the movie viewing audience is going “You killed one german honey, good job sweetie.” She continues wailing, hysterical, “Why won’t the whole war just stop!” Classic. For most all of Wonder Woman, Gal is a dude. She kills men aggressively for her beliefs. She has no problem objectifying the opposite sex. She has a keen interest in being right. She is physically strong. She has an office. And of course she loves her sword. The sword is male built, a male created killing machine that has long been recognized as the ultimate phallic symbol of masculinity. Of all the weapons she could have, she chooses a long dick that slays.

When was the last time you saw a woman wearing a pleated roman male soldier fighting skirt? Most women won’t. Most women are not Wonder Woman though. Wonder Woman has a message. The filmmakers GAVE her a message. I’m not sure what that message is, but it did include her delivering it with dick. The first flap of the skirt right in the middle there. Right where biologically a male has a penis. They gave Wonder Woman an oversize clearly visible middle flap hanging there like a penis. I am male. I have a penis. I know these things.

Now the long flap in the middle, her dick, is flanked by two smaller hanging flaps which the filmmakers want you to see as balls. Dick and Balls. They set her package off by eliminating all other pleats on her skirt to either side of her male genitalia.

I have to admit, I couldn’t stop looking. I was jealous of Wonder Woman’s dick. I only saw it flaccid but the filmmakers did make it big. The Worlds’ Largest Penis is actually measured and recorded, so filmmakers know people will participate with great interest when presented a human horse cock. Put it on a female, even more audience awareness. Now the larger social implications pushed by the filmmakers putting a dick on Wonder Woman I will leave to you. Could it possibly be Trans oriented, left wing motivated, socially progressive, social brainwashing, image mind manipulation, CIA funded homegrown terrorism, gay guys making money, jews? I really am in no position to pontificate about any of that here. What I do know is the whole crew, all of them who “proudly represent” in the credits, thoroughly perverted our light using digital technology to record and project: militant warring separatist lesbians, nazi bad guys, a blonde hair blue eye christian heterosexual male who kills himself, a middle eastern guy fighting on our side, a crazy dirty looking white guy wreaking havoc with explosions, and of course our hero…… the woman with a penis….. Wonder Woman.
Arthur C. Burnright...

When was the last time you saw a woman wearing a pleated roman male soldier fighting skirt? Most women won’t. Most women are not Wonder Woman though. Wonder Woman has a message. The filmmakers GAVE her a message. I’m not sure what that message is, but it did include her delivering it with dick. The first flap of the skirt right in the middle there. Right where biologically a male has a penis. They gave Wonder Woman an oversize clearly visible middle flap hanging there like a penis. I am male. I have a penis. I know these things.

Now the long flap in the middle, her dick, is flanked by two smaller hanging flaps which the filmmakers want you to see as balls. Dick and Balls. They set her package off by eliminating all other pleats on her skirt to either side of her male genitalia.

I have to admit, I couldn’t stop looking. I was jealous of Wonder Woman’s dick. I only saw it flaccid but the filmmakers did make it big. The Worlds’ Largest Penis is actually measured and recorded, so filmmakers know people will participate with great interest when presented a human horse cock. Put it on a female, even more audience awareness. Now the larger social implications pushed by the filmmakers putting a dick on Wonder Woman I will leave to you. Could it possibly be Trans oriented, left wing motivated, socially progressive, social brainwashing, image mind manipulation, CIA funded homegrown terrorism, gay guys making money, jews? I really am in no position to pontificate about any of that here. What I do know is the whole crew, all of them who “proudly represent” in the credits, thoroughly perverted our light using digital technology to record and project: militant warring separatist lesbians, nazi bad guys, a blonde hair blue eye christian heterosexual male who kills himself, a middle eastern guy fighting on our side, a crazy dirty looking white guy wreaking havoc with explosions, and of course our hero…… the woman with a penis….. Wonder Woman.
Arthur C. Burnright...
The Great Train Robbery continues, ad nauseam.